Sunday, 12 May 2013

Tea Pot Set Construction

        My tea pot construction was inspired by Beauty and Beast's animate tea pot and cup. First I mad a slab for the bottom piece and cut it into a flower. Next I started putting coils to make the body. After I was done with that, I blended the piece by cutting it in half. After I blended both the inside and out, I pasted the pieces back together. The next thing I did was make a slab for my spout. I cut it into a big long triangle and then slowly rolled them together. After, I cut a hole in the body and pasted the spout while making it into the shape I wanted. This was the hardest part of my process. Then, I made the handled out of three twisted coils. This however took some days because it needed to be hardened to be pasted on the body so that it does not lose its form. So what I did was made it into the shape I wanted it to be and waited three days to paste it. The last and final thing I created was the cover. I made it out of coils and the top out of a ball of clay. After this I decided to draw straight lines down the top.

    My tea cups were made out of a flower shaped slab on the bottom and coils for the body. After I pasted them all together, I blended them and made them smooth. Next I made the handles out of two braided coils. For this process I did not have to wait long because it was not that big of a piece to paste on to.
        I decided to glaze my teacup set with yellow, magenta, and basic white. For the teacup, I did the spilling method for the inside. I used yellow and shook it while covering the spout and opening. Next I used a brush to glaze the outside. I used magenta on the cover, one twist of the handle, and the bottom of the piece. Of course I waxed the bottom before I started to glaze. Then I used basic white for the ball on the lid and one twist one the handle. For the cups, I just used a brush to glaze it. First I waxed the bottom then colored the body yellow and one twist on the handle. Next I used magenta on the bottom and one twist one the handle. I love this piece because it looks like something they would used in a fairytale. It looks antique yet modern because of the colors I glazed it with.

Second Slab Construction

       My second slab construction had an organic inspired look. First I created the slab and then used a screen to make the lines on the piece. After, I used material flowers to create the design by simply stamping them and then tracing them with a needle tool. After I slowly connected the piece, I created coils to put on the bottom and the top.

       Unfortunately I do not have a picture of the greenware. However, I glazed this piece using maroon for the coils, milky brown for the base, and basic white for the flowers. I used the spilling method for the inside using milky brown. On the outside I just used a brush. This piece does not look like the colors I glazed them with because they were fired at a high temperature for more time than was recommended.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Slab Construction

To create my slab piece, I created a thick piece of clay so that when I used the slab machine it made a slab that would be at least ten inches high. Next, I used a lot of material to make my decorations, but I decided to use leaves. I picked plumeria leaves in its large, medium, and small sizes. However, I did not use the slab machine to stamp them unto my slab. I actually put the pot together first because I was still unsure of what to do. First I cut the bottom to make so that when I stood the piece up it would not fall. Next I slowly wrapped the piece around to construct tall round piece. Then I decided that I did not want to cut the piece, I wanted the wrap it unto each other instead. So I incised both side of where I wanted to wrap them together, then I put a lot of slip on both sides. After, I just slowly squeeze them together so it would stay. Then I started to stamp the leaves where I wanted them. After that, I smoothed the top, bottom, and the wrapped area to make it look smooth. Finally I constructed the bottom piece with the slab machine and placed it inside my pot.
         After my slab construction was fired, I glazed it with a sandy white color for the base and chrome green for the leaves. I used a brush to glaze the whole piece and I only used one coat of glaze. This is because I wanted it to have more of an organic look not being to shiny.